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Psychology, Travel, & the Creative Process

I write about psychology, travel, and the creative process, especially in science and writing. My work has been published in Nautilus, Scientific American, Psychology Today, and the Massachusetts Review. You can find a complete list of my published pieces below.

~~~ 2022 ~~~

#8: Ode to the Passport

#7: Why I'm Not a Good Person

#6: Announcing Premium Subscriptions

Re-Viewed: "For Free"

Re-Viewed: "Journey by Moonlight"


#5: The Powerlessness of the Dog

#4: Potential Energy

#3: Twelve Minutes

#2: My Favorite Reads of 2021

~~~ 2021 ~~~

#1: The Re-Do — 2021 in Review

Americans Applying to UK PhDs: A Guide

Requiem for the Fuck Around Century

The Department of Social Relations

Gordon Allport: The 20th Century's Psychologist

How to Write an Effective Cold Email

Does Travel Reduce Prejudice?

The Self-Help of T.S. Eliot

The Long 2020 — in Review

Actually Against Academia

~~~ 2020 ~~~

On Building Up and Tearing Down

On Coming Back from Covid

On Composers and Arrangers

As with a Harvest in Massachusetts Review [and subsequent Interview]

Mice on Acid in Nautilus

We are All Ancient Mapmakers in Nautilus

~~~ 2019 ~~~

How Wrong Should You Be? in Scientific American

How to Self-Motivate During Your PhD

The Bimodal Centrist in Areo

Why UBI Ought to Appeal to Conservatives in Quillette

~~~ 2018 ~~~

Why Republicans Listen to Country Music and Democrats Don't in Psych Today

Why Interesting People Don't Go to Harvard in Psych Today

Why Good Philosophers are Out of Touch with Reality in Psych Today 

   [response from Nassim Nicholas Taleb, aforementioned philosopher]

The Ruth Bader Ginsburg Theory of Pronoun Usage in Psych Today

The Off-Policy Theory of Happiness in Psych Today

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